Acne Scar Treatment – How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

acne scar treatment

Having acne scars can be very unattractive. Luckily, there are a number of different options available for acne scar treatment. You can opt for a number of different methods, including surgery, PMMA, chemical peels, and Microneedling.


Using a PMMA for acne scar treatment is a viable option for patients with distensible acne scars. The product, Bellafill (r), is a safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment option that is approved by the FDA for acne scars.

Bellafill (r) is an injectable dermal filler made of collagen and PMMA microspheres that promotes the production of collagen in the skin. This results in smoother, more even skin. It is safe and suitable for all skin types, and it has no downtime.

The product is injected under the dermis, and it immediately goes to work filling wrinkles and smoothing out depressed areas. Eventually, the PMMA microspheres reabsorb into the body, leaving behind a support base for the surrounding skin. The results of the treatment last for up to five years.

Bellafill (r) is approved for patients over age 21 with moderate to severe atrophic facial acne scars. It is not recommended for patients who are pregnant. It may cause some mild side effects, such as redness and swelling, or lumps. However, these side effects usually disappear after a few days.

Patients with severe acne scars may need multiple treatments to achieve optimal results. They may also need to wait for the fat to redevelop a blood supply. The amount of treatment needed depends on the location of the scars. The cost of fillers for acne scars varies depending on the amount of filler used.

Fraxel(r) Laser

Using a Fraxel(r) laser for acne scar treatment is a very effective and popular way to erase scars and get healthy skin. It is a non-ablative treatment that uses a microscopic laser beam to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. This stimulates the production of healthy new skin cells, which will smooth out the skin and reduce the appearance of scars.

The treatment process is simple. First, you will need to prepare the treatment area. This involves cleansing and moisturizing the skin. Then, the laser will be placed on the skin. The laser will treat the skin in passes, leaving the healthy skin between the passes. The laser works by producing thousands of deep columns of laser energy into the skin.

After the procedure is finished, the skin will be red for a few days. The laser will produce a slight tingling sensation. It is important to wear high SPF sunscreen during the day, and apply a moisturizer daily to protect the new skin. The skin will naturally exfoliate and flake over the next week. It is also important to avoid sun exposure for a few weeks after the treatment.

The laser works by stimulating the skin to produce healthy collagen, which will reduce the appearance of scars. The treatment process is usually performed in about 15 minutes. Depending on the size of the scar, it may require two or three treatments.


Using a microneedling device, a dermatologist will puncture your skin with tiny needles, creating a controlled wound that triggers your body’s natural healing processes. This process leads to a new, tighter skin. It also reduces fine lines and improves large pores.

The process can be done by a dermatologist in his office or at home. Before the procedure, a topical anesthetic is applied to reduce the pain. Afterward, you may experience minor irritation, redness, or bruising. In the following days, you should see a clearer complexion.

The procedure should be done in a clean, sterile environment to reduce infection risks. You should also avoid direct sunlight for a short time. You can also apply sunscreen before and after the treatment.

Microneedling is a safe procedure that works to reduce acne scars. It is a good alternative to more invasive methods of scar removal. It is also less expensive than most other treatments.

Microneedling has been proven to work for many patients with acne scars. The procedure can help reduce the size of pores, improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce the number of blackheads and acne.

When done in a doctor’s office, microneedling for acne scars can take several sessions to yield optimal results. Results are visible after a few weeks. If you’re interested in trying this treatment, call your dermatologist today.

The number of sessions you’ll need will depend on the severity of your acne scars and other skin issues. A course of eight treatments is typically recommended. Afterward, you may need touch-up treatments every year to maintain the results.


Getting Bellafill injections can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars. It is an effective treatment for acne scars because it works by adding volume to the scars and stimulating the body to produce collagen.

Bellafill is an FDA-approved dermal filler that can be used to treat fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. It is made from 80% purified bovine collagen. The PMMA microspheres act as a biostimulant to stimulate collagen production and help restore lost volume.

Bellafill is different than other dermal fillers because it is specially designed for acne scar treatment. Bellafill can be used to treat both moderate and severe acne scars. The amount of Bellafill needed depends on the depth and type of scar.

Bellafill is a simple in-office procedure. During a consultation, photos of the treatment area are taken and a skin test is performed with collagen gel. This test reveals whether the patient is allergic to the lidocaine in the Bellafill formula. Generally, Bellafill is not recommended for people with severe allergies.

During the treatment, a topical numbing cream is applied to the skin one hour before the injection. Ice is then applied to reduce bruising. The needle is then injected into the skin to fill the scars and smooth out the skin.

Bellafill injections are effective for one year, but may need additional treatments to keep the results looking their best. It is important to talk to your doctor about any allergies or contraindications before undergoing treatment.

Chemical peels

Using chemical peels to treat acne can be an effective way to help your skin look better. Chemical peels contain acids that exfoliate your skin and remove dead cells. They are also used to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Chemical peels are usually used in conjunction with other skin care treatments.

The most common types of chemical peels are those that contain salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid. These acids help remove dead skin cells and may also treat pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

In order to get the best results, you should consider your skin type and how your body will react to the treatment. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if chemical peels are right for you.

If you are considering using chemical peels to treat acne scars, you should also consider your budget. Chemical peels can vary in price depending on the strength of the acid. Also, you may need several treatments to get the best results.

Chemical peels for acne can be performed at home or in a medical facility. You will need to wear sunscreen during the treatment and avoid the sun for several months afterward. You may also need to use a special cream to help with the healing process.

The best chemical peels for acne are performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. Chemical peels are also available in over-the-counter (OTC) forms. You can purchase these products in pharmacies and online. These products may not have the same effects as professional peels, but they are worth a try.


Surgical treatment of acne scars may be recommended by your dermatologist. The goal of surgical treatment is to minimize the appearance of acne scars. There are several different surgical methods that are used. These methods include laser, subcision, chemical peels, and punch grafts.

Laser acne scar treatment involves using a laser to break up scar tissue and stimulate collagen production. Depending on the type of acne scar, this method may require several treatments. The treatment may also require special skin care. Laser acne scar treatment is best used in combination with other procedures, such as topical creams and Botox.

Chemical peels are a non-surgical procedure that removes the top layer of skin, allowing the new skin to heal over the next 7 to 10 days. Chemical peels can be used to reduce the appearance of deep scars. They also remove staining from acne.

Subcision is a surgical procedure that is used to reduce the appearance of deep acne scars. This method breaks up the scar tissue, which pulls the skin down.

Microneedling is another surgical procedure that treats acne scars. Using a needle-studded device, your dermatologist will insert a fine gauge needle under each acne scar. Your skin will be numbed with local anesthetic. Once the needle is in place, your doctor will move it back and forth, breaking up the scar tissue and lifting the scar up.

Cryotherapy is another method of treating scars. The procedure freezes the scar tissue, which may cause the skin to lighten. The treatment may also be combined with intralesional injections, which cause the scar to soften.